Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Wednesday, May 18,
8:30:00 AM - 12:00:00 PM

Cuyahoga County Public Library - Maple Heights Regional

5225 Library Lane, Maple Heights, Ohio


$15 CAMLS Members
$25 Affiliate Members
$50 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Deadline: Wednesday, May 11,
Limit: 100
Registered Now: 91
Contact Hours: 3


Building Brainpower: The Role of Libraries in Regional Economic Development

Northern Ohio’s economic future depends on innovation and a strategic sense of community. CAMLS annual meeting will examine how libraries, as educational and social institutions, are poised to be important players in the re-growth of our area. Take advantage of our annual meeting to network with colleagues and begin important conversations that could redefine the role of the library and help sustain the wellbeing of our communities.

8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. CAMLS Annual Business Meeting
9:15 a.m. Capabilities of Libraries in Regional Economic Development
9:30 a.m. There will be an interactive panel discussion and various breakout sessions on the theme of "Building Brainpower: The Role of Libraries in Regional Economic Development"
12:00 Noon Meeting Adjourment

Key Takeaways

  • Participants will get a new vision for libraries' roles in economic development
  • Understand new opportunities for partnerships
  • Leave with a "next steps" plan for implementation for your own library
Audience: Directors, Library Trustees, Staff, governmental officials, chamber of commerce representatives, development professionals, etc.
Edward F. Morrison, Executive Director of the Center for Regional Economic Issues at the Weatherhead School, Case Western Reserve University. Prior to coming to Case, he designed and implemented economic development initiatives for communities, states and regions.
Laura Orkin, Beachwood Chamber of Commerce President and Chief Operations Officer of Envision Radio Networks. Her expertise includes the Macy's Executive Training Program in New Jersey and Business Manager for Allan Raider Studio in Union, New Jersey.
Alice Sneary, is a creative Services Analyst for OCLC Online Computer Library Center, based in Dublin, Ohio. She is the creative force behing the recent library advocacy advertising campaign. She also writes for the officially unofficial OCLC Blog, "It's all good."
Jack Ricchuito, is an executive coach and facilitator to corporations, non-profits, and community groups. For over 25 years, he has been helping organizations take an appreciative approach to improving their approaches to leadership, team performance, and project management.

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