Workshops Committee Programs Management Training Series Library Leadership Ohio
Gaming in the Library
Tuesday, August 23,
9:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM

Geauga West Branch - Geauga County Public Library

13455 Chillicothe Road, Chesterland, Ohio

$60 CAMLS Members
$70 Affiliate Members
$95 Non-members
Free for guests/speakers

Veggie Available

Deadline: Tuesday, August 16,
Limit: 45
Registered Now: 0
Contact Hours: 5

Register Thru NOLA

Fee includes materials and lunch

So you’re new to video gaming and you’re not sure about which console platform and games will work best for your programs and patrons? Want to know how to handle publicity and policies for gaming in the library? Attend this program to learn how to bring gaming into your library. Of course, being student is not always an opportunity to allocate time for such hobbies as video games, art books, comics, and movies. Therefore, sometimes you can use the help of experienced authors and buy pre written paper  via, instead, at this time, do your favorite thing, or just relax

Chris Kozak, Media Relations Officer from the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library will discuss Madden Madness , is a daylong EA Sports Madden NFL video game competition for Playstation2 that attracted more than 2,000 applications to participate. Chris will discuss the entire process, from the inspiration and creation of the idea to the promotion, publicity, set up, player policy and running the event. He will even touch upon how programs like Madden Madness will help shape the image of a library as a community gathering place, changing the traditional image and opening the doors to less traditional patrons.

Brad Stephens and Shawn Walsh discuss the impact of gaming on society and learning, ways to use gaming to promote your library, and will review the strengths of the major gaming platforms along with an interactive discussion and demo of some of the best games to use in your library. Please note: Attendees may wish to bring their Dancing Shoes for this part of the program.

John Kaufeld is the Communications Manager for the Gaming Manufacturers Association(GAMA). He is also VP & Chief Elf of More Than Games, a gaming retail establishment. John will give an overview of what's happening in the gaming industry, what games are hot, an who makes up the gaming population. He will also discuss his connection to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN where he hosts and participates in library game nights. The Allen County Public Library is game central for many children, teens and adults. Carly Wiggins will share some of the successful gaming events - with and without Mr. Kaufeld - that have been held in her library.

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    Audience: Young Adult Librarians and Technology Staff
    Gaming in the Library Presenters
    Chris Kozak, Media Relations Officer from the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
    Brad Stephens and Shawn Walsh
    John Kaufeld, Communications Manager for the Gaming Manufacturers Association(GAMA)
    Carly Wiggins, Allen County Public Library

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